Commercial Real Estate Leaders

Get the #1 CRM for your properties and operations company

Property Hero helps commercial real estate leaders worldwide lease units faster, attract more investors, and reduce task load almost entirely on auto-pilot.

Increase Your NOI Starting Today!

Lease Units Faster

Tired of manual leasing processes and lost sales due to unmotivated team members? Leverage our Conversation AI (that doesn't call out sick) to communicate in real-time with tenants to qualify their needs all within Property Hero.

Attract, Nurture, Capture, and Close Investors

Raise More Capital, Faster

Stop using siloed spreadsheets, email builders, and CRMs to manage these important relationships. Within Property Hero you can...

  • Manage communication with potential and current investors!

  • Send SMS and email campaigns and auto-respond yourself or using AI in real-time!

  • Use an automated two-way API/webhook to sync with your investment management system of choice!

Try Our New Property Hero Plus Plan

Find Your Ideal Clients, Worldwide!

Want to find the email or LinkedIn profile of your ideal tenant or investor? With our new Property Hero Plus* plan, you can generate 1,000+ leads in minutes.

Watch the video below to see how it works!

*Our Property Hero Plus plan is offered on an exclusive first-come, first-served basis for a limited time only. Book your demo now to see how it works!


Launch Paid Ads in Minutes

Don't hire an expensive marketing agency with low ROI to market your vacant unit. Launch paid ad campaigns with our proven templates on Facebook in two minutes all within Property Hero.


Conversations in One Place

Tired of managing conversations with current tenants across multiple platforms? Manage all your conversations all in one place using our web app!


Drag & Drop Email Builder

Cancel those other email builders and leverage Property Hero's easy-to-use drag-and-drop email builder to send out your next email in a breeze!

Who Is Property Hero For?

Property Built is a purposefully built CRM for the Commercial Real Estate Industry to serve Owners, Operators, Syndicators, Developers, Brokers, Lenders, Attorneys, and Property Managers in the following asset classes:

  • Multifamily

  • Self Storage

  • RV & Boat Parking

  • Mobile Homes

  • Industrial

  • Office / Medical Office

  • Hotels & Hospitality

  • Mixed Use

  • Special Purpose

  • Life Science

  • Land

  • Retail

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